We are a premier healthcare clinic dedicated to championing the needs of women in our community. Your health and future are very important to us. While many clinics profit from your health and pregnancy decisions, we offer FREE services to support you on your journey.
Pregnancy Testing
If you think you might be pregnant, there are some important things to consider that may affect your health, and we are here to support you. In our clinic, you can speak with a registered nurse who can confirm your pregnancy by administering a free, medical-grade pregnancy test. She can help you understand your actual due date and how far along you are in your pregnancy. The more you know about your results, the more confident you can be in planning your future. Receive the care you deserve during this critical moment.
If you received a positive pregnancy test, it is important to verify the results through an ultrasound. Due to the fact that many women are unsure of their last menstrual cycle, it is important to learn the accurate gestational age, rule out any potential medical risks, and determine if the pregnancy is viable. Pregnancy can occur outside of the uterus which can be very dangerous and even more dangerous if you take an abortion pill. Having an accurate picture of what is going on inside your body allows you to decide the next best step for you.
Abortion Education
If you are pregnant, you can learn about your options. You deserve to be fully educated on what to expect regarding abortion. We provide medically-based, non-judgmental consultations by licensed medical professionals. Different abortion methods are used at various stages of pregnancy. We can help you understand what is involved in each abortion procedure, including surgical and nonsurgical options, and the potential risks.
Sexually transmitted infections are extremely common. Lubbock’s current rate of STIs ranks 15th in the state of Texas. We provide urine Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing and treatments at no cost. Left untreated Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can be very detrimental to your health. Our medical team will provide you with education and help with outside resources and/or referrals so that you can make your health a priority.
Parenting Education
If you are pregnant and considering parenting but feel unprepared, we are here for you. No one ever feels prepared to be a parent, but we are here to help provide the educational support needed as you process this decision and prepare for the future. If you made a decision to parent, we offer support groups to help you prepare for what’s ahead.
If you are pregnant and are considering adoption, our staff is here for you. Visit with us and become fully educated on what to expect regarding adoption and care options that are available to you. Our staff is here to help you understand all that is involved in adoption and help you make a plan for this next season of life.
Adoption Education